Friday, March 11, 2011

If you work at all you are pulling a double shift

It is alright to stay at home with your kids, but if you are like me sometimes I feel like  being at home watching the kids and cleaning my house causes more stress then I experience at work and I work as a nurse in an ER.  I am just tired when I have finished a 12hr night shift, but at the end of the week after being home with my kids Mon-Fri (cause I work 3 weekends a month)  I am stressed out and exhausted and very ready to go back to work.   
My husband is a wonderful guy, but like all men they have trouble seeing what needs to be done and this causes some stress.  It feels like time stops when I am at work, my house sometimes gets picked up and the dishwasher emptied and some laundry gets done, but it is what doesn't get done that causes the stress.  Now I know some people would say hey at least your husband does some stuff and is a good father, but what I need is someone to continue the work when I am not at home.  Oh well (sigh).

 If I ever get to a point in my life where I can afford a cleaning lady 2-3 times a month that would alleviate some of my inner stress.  Well here's to dreaming.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No outlets for stress!

Does anybody else have the issue of being unable to find an avenue for stress release?  I do and it frustrates me beyond reasoning sometimes.  I don't really have a good time to exercise at home, and frankly when people suggest things like "just do leg lifts while you are sitting with your kids, or do an extra squat when you bend down to pick something up or clean something" , well you people and your suggestions like this can go ****** yourself.  I know that is harsh, because people are just being helpful but seriously, come on!  The gym is out due to health issues with one of my children I can't be dropping him off at the drop of gym daycare during RSV, croup and flu season.  Unless I let everything else just go by the wayside I don't really have time for sewing or reading, which are two of my favorite hobbies.
So where does this leave me?  It leaves one very frustrated mother, who ends up yelling at the kids or her husband for doing dumb shit.
I think that I need to get a housekeeper,  and schedule an all day mommy day once a month, this is what I think that I need to do.  Someone who comes in and cleans my house for me (the toilets and floors and everything!), at least twice a month would be awesome.  I also think that in the spring after it is done being super muddy that I will get some one to come in and shampoo my carpets.  As for working out which I know would solve alot of my stress issues well I think that I may get a treadmill, or at least find a friend who wants to trade child care for gym time.
I don't know what the true answer is, but it will all work out.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The dreaded gut bug!

It never fails to happen, just when you are the most stressed out and have the most to do it hits, the dreaded gut bug.  It usually shows up most frequently in the winter after you and the kids have been to a hot springs or a pool that uses something  besides chlorine to kill the bugs.

 It hit us 3days after going to the pool at our gym, and it got my son first who then proceeded to throw up on me three times and on our couch twice. It was good times let me tell you.  So after taking a decontamination shower and cleaning up my son and my couch, we dose him with motrin for a low grade fever and put him in bed.  My daughter got the plague two days later, and vomited for two hours before the phenergan I gave her kicked in and she passed out for the next 6hrs. 
Now I am just waiting for my turn.  My son feels better, and my daughter feels better, and they are now both behaving.  Because it is kid law that when one kid is vomiting up their toenails and mom is trying to take care of that kiddo, that the other kiddo must turn into a demon spawn.  My kids obeyed that law to the letter while they were sick.

 Today now that everyone is on the mend I am trying to clean up my house because God forbid my husband do any cleaning on his days off while I am at work.  I really shouldn't be so hard on him, because he does do a little bit, but it always feels like he should be doing more, man is he screwed.  I think that if I ever find some extra money that I am going to have a person come in and clean my house at least twice a month.  This might help my stress level, which is off the charts lately.  Why is this?  Well my husband has not really been around for about a month, because of business trips, trainings, and when he is home on the weekends I am at work.  I think that we are due for a date night somewhere maybe .